
Movie poster. Stella and Will smile at each other while sitting on opposite sides of a white hospital hallway.

Film Review | Five Feet Apart


A film with timely echoes, “Five Feet Apart” tells the story of Stella and Will – two teenagers with cystic fibrosis – their struggles, and the love that blooms between them in the most star-crossed of places. CF patients must stay five feet away from each other at all times in order to avoid catching each others’ specific strains of bacteria which can lead to serious infections, removal from the transplant list, and a much quicker death.

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Based in Paris | Pizza for Christmas During Covid

Based in Paris | Pizza for Christmas During Covid


In confinement for your holidays? Wear your favourite pyjamas, or ‘dress up’ and schedule a Holiday Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype or FaceTime with family and spend time sharing good and humorous memories of past holidays together. Recall the special details of the beautiful table, who arrived to share the holiday meal, who prepared it, and bring up some laughable unexpected incidents.

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