Money Maps by Kimberly Hudson
Money Maps
Money Maps is a tool.
It is a tool designed to remove our fear of money. Or if not remove it then at least give us the skills to slowly work through that fear.
We all have a relationship with money. For some that relationship is healthy. For others… not so much. And you don’t need to be rich to have a healthy relationship with money. You could be making millions or barely making it by. If you fear money or fear losing it or even fear having it, then maybe this course is something to look into.
Created by Kimberli Hudson, serial entrepreneur and founder of thirteen businesses throughout her very successful career (she’s also just a great person), the course is built for everybody.
In principle it is very simple. It requires little in the way of previous experience or wisdom. All that is asked is that the participant is committed to their self-growth.
It’s about understanding the place of money
Like all courses of this nature, to get your money’s worth you need to give your time and energy. You aren’t buying a checklist of things to do to get rich quick. This course is simple, yes, but it is also very challenging. Kimberli calmly brings her participants on a journey into analysing their fears and doubts around money. Be expected to reflect on your past and on the pasts of your friends and family. In order to move forward into a comfortable relationship with money you are going to need to analyse all your thoughts around the subject.
Money Maps isn’t very long. It’s advertised as being able to be done in a weekend if you want or slowly over a week. And given its reflective nature, I’d suggest going for the week.
The nuts and bolts
The videos are short and you could go through them in less than half a day if you really wanted. But the value of the course is in the times when you go away to sit and think. Find a week in your life when you have at least an hour a day to spare. Then slowly work your way through a video a day, spending the rest of the time diving into your psyche.
You start with a workbook that you download from her site and with the suggestion of a notebook to have at hand if you want to doodle or jot down some notes. I’d take Kimberli up on that suggestion if I were you. Read through the workbook and start to think about what it’s saying. You’ll get to filling it out a few videos in. Trust me, if you’re doing it right it will take a while to complete – hence the hour a day.
The course then progresses through what Kimberli is calling money quests. These range from “community” to “person” and get you thinking about money in a holistic way. Quite likely you’ll be asked questions about money that you never thought of yourself. She doesn’t just cover the basics here.
After the quests you’ll start to analyse which of your ideas about money are good and which are bad and you’ll start to map out a way of strengthening the good ideas and weakening the bad. Perhaps one of the best aspects about this course is that it is never truly completed. You will finish the course, but after you buy it you’ll have access to it indefinitely and Kimberli Hudson recommends coming back at least once a year to go through it again to see how far you’ve come and to rewrite your future map. Very rarely do courses recommend you come back without trying to profit off of your return. You’ll also be given a list of books and sites where you can further your education on money. And finally, a week after you begin – which if you’ve taken a week to complete the course means just after you’ve finished – you’ll start to get money map challenge emails. These will last for thirty days and are designed to encourage you as you begin your journey.
A new way of looking at money
And that’s it. That’s the course. You aren’t promised the secret to glory and riches and it may not change your life. But what it will do is get you thinking and get you reevaluating your relationship with money so you can have a healthier, less fearful relationship with the thing that makes this world go round.