Sports & Leisure

Film Review | Jesse Owens, the Movie “RACE” and the Impact on the 2024 Olympic Games


Jesse Owens was an African American track athlete who won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. His story is significant because, in 1936, Europe was on the brink of World War II. Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, hosted the Berlin Olympics with the intent of showcasing its ideology of Aryan racial superiority. However, the Games became notable for challenging this propaganda. Jesse Owens’ victories directly contradicted Nazi racial theories and highlighted the absurdity of racial discrimination.

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Person of Note | The Mack Robinson Legacy: Defying the Odds in Life and at the Olympics


In 1936 at the Olympic Games, the odds were heavily stacked against Black athletes. Many were questioned about why they would agree to compete in a country that was racist toward them while representing another racist country. Yet, those 18 Black athletes knew that they would defy the status quo. By participating in these Olympic Games, they personified the idea of “taking up space,” and understood the lasting impact their presence would have for generations to come.

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8 Favorite Video Games Of 2023


With 2024 in full swing and new great games planned to come out year round I thought it would be nice to take a moment to highlight how great 2023 was for games. There were so many wonderful games – more than I could end up playing during that year – but it didn’t stop me from experiencing some excellent games, as well as reviewing some great ones for!

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Ready 2 Retro | Toon Con 2023


Animation, unlike any form of art, can completely transport you into a world that is both tangible and out of reach from reality. From the first known animated short by French artist Émile Cohl,  “Fantasmagorie” (1908), to the delightful spectacle of Del Toro’s stop-motion masterpiece, animation has been present for multiple generations and is only increasing in popularity. Enter the scene: Toon Con.

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Estelle sitting on a grassy hilltop with her bicycle behind her. The title of the game rests to her left

Video Game Review | Season: A Letter to the Future


This journey that Estelle goes on is as much as one for you as it is hers. It’s a title that is best experienced with a cup of warm tea, a blanket and a mindset of taking your time. Breathe in the world that the developers have created, bask in the warmth of the sun that peers over the hills, capture the sounds, moments and sights that this game has to offer. Let yourself go on this journey with Estelle. I highly recommend it.

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