For the large and small of my day,
I welcome the break of dawn.
I slept the sleep of angels.
Not a crazed dream in sight,
sweet, deep sleep.
His arm thrown carelessly across my body,
heavy and comforting.
For the large and small of my day,
I welcome the break of dawn.
I slept the sleep of angels.
Not a crazed dream in sight,
sweet, deep sleep.
His arm thrown carelessly across my body,
heavy and comforting.
Sylvia Syms enjoys life and love with her boyfriend of 41 years, while living in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains.
As traditions go, I grew up fast and formed my own family at an unusually young point in my life for choosing that sort of important lifestyle. My three children grew up with the tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve-pyjamas.