Election Day 2020: Musings for Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

American Flag in Nature

American Flag in Nature

Election Day 2020: Musings for Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

In this time of uncertainty, anxiety and stress, I would suggest spending some time in nature.

It might be taking a walk in the neighborhood, a hike in the woods or on a trail or it might be looking out your window or sitting on your balcony or back porch.

I have a phrase I have used in my poetry a couple of different times.  It is “take beauty personally”.

Slow down… take some deep breaths… and pay attention…

What is calling you to notice?

It may be a flower, a tree, a bird song, the sound of water from the sea or a fountain.

Whatever it is, take it to heart: a message from God, the earth, or the universe that you are beloved.

Find a way to let go of what is troubling you and receive the peace and love that you need.

