Normandy and the 12th Century village of Lisieux
I travelled on a pilgrimage to the 12th Century village of Lisieux to learn about Sainte Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus. I toured the family home, the grounds for lodging, the museum, a chapel of the Carmel, and the Basilica Sainte Thérèse. It is named for the Sister who entered the Order of Carmel with the mission to love and trust at barely 16. She left her body ill with tuberculosis at 24. Although the Basilica Sainte Thérèse is not on the top ten best of France’s Basilica list, it is second to Lourdes with 2 million visitors per year. Construction started in 1929 and completed in 1954. It is exquisite in modern art and lovely in sensation. I would recommend it.
The informative tours and the accompaniment of joyful companions on my journey marks a memorable visit as my “opening toward a new season of world travel experiences.” The world; yet a bit uncertain, I accept with full enthusiasm and faith for my ever-living curiosity, abundant opportunities and continuing freedom to explore.
Lisieux. Exposition of Bees, art, culture, music dance, nature and indigenous resources and regional products.
Lisieux: a commune
Lisieux is a commune of 21,000 inhabitants in the Calvados department in the Normandy region in northwestern France. It is the capital of the Pays d’Auge. The area is characterised by its abundance of fresh spring water; immense green pastures, sculpted valleys and hedged farmlands.
Lots of green space, not overcrowded. Natural for dairy farming in this region of France.
I stumbled upon an ‘intimate’ community event, as I found little evidence of publicity. It was a celebration of sorts, to highlight the existing rich natural abundance of our planet in communion with the region. It was a lively expression to honour the culture of people, highlight their abundance of natural products as well as to invite participation in their colourful lifestyle. The vibrant and picturesque ‘Jardin des Eveques’ aptly accommodated the two-day event.
Lisieux. Exposition of Bees, indigenous and regional natural resources and products.
The sun welcomed visitors and shone intermittently between drifting clouds for the giant bees (1.20 m in diameter) that had been installed amongst the flowers and the fountain in the garden of the bishopric on May 28, 2021. The bees, mounted 0.90 m high pedestals, will occupy their stations until 29 June.
The buzzing bees
Véronique Maurey, once organizer of the ‘twenty Cow Parade’ exhibition in the same garden, was inspired by a bee buzzing in front of her. That was it! She imagined these bees. An admitted animal lover with a passion to “recognise these indispensable sentinels of the environment”.
Lisieux. Celebration of regional culture; dance history, exposition of Bees, art, nature, indigenous resources and regional products. The dance is finished.
The art, the horticulture and the congeniality continues …
Lisieux. Exposition of Bees, art, nature indigenous resources and regional products. A young photojournalist is prepared with her iPhone and micro-mounted.
Lisieux. Exposition of Bees, art, nature indigenous resources and regional products. The botanist explains which plants and each of their parts are best for soups salads and other nutritious delights.
Lisieux. Exposition of Bees, art, nature indigenous resources and regional products, and interesting creatures share the comradery.
Lisieux. Exposition of Bees, art, nature, indigenous resources and regional products? And woolly friends are included as well.
Lisieux. Exposition of Bees, art, nature indigenous resources and regional products. Creative collections spark a jolly addition.
Lisieux. Exposition of Bees, art, nature indigenous resources and regional products. There is plenty of ingenuity displayed.
Lisieux. Celebration of regional culture; dance history, exposition of Bees, art, nature, indigenous resources and regional products. Horticulture is a favourite addition.
Imagining a new world
Additionally, I came upon another proposition I thought fitting. It is a time, an opportunity, in humanity for us to create a new world; a fresh consciously-created post-pandemic world to live the new dreams that have grown out of the contast of an unprecedented period that dealt death and lack of freedom. What do we want for our planet, for our people ? Not only Elon Musk and Jeff Besos get to achieve their dreams. I read Musk now with special accord has launched 1,500 of his projected 49,000 SpaceX satellites; Besos was in Colorado Springs announcing his earth orbits in the dragon ship. I think Eudaemonia! It is for human flourishing, thriving, – the innate potential of each individual to live a life of enduring happiness, penetrating wisdom, optimal well-being and authentic love and compassion. Together marching toward greater equanimity – sharing power by sharing information – networking vs hierarchical living model – building our asset-based communities.
Have a look and reflect on the following message as you turn your thoughts to your own families, communities and cultures. Consider your speciality regional products, and climate conditions in your regions as we enter our summer months:
The Manifesto
One Nation
That the Earth is a large living organism.
That an infinity of forms of Life are cohabiting there in interdependence.
That humanity has a major influence over other earthly reigns.
That each human being is a unique and individualized cell of the Earth.
That the resilience of an organism is maintained when its cells are free to fully play their roles in the service of the whole and its parts.
I proclaim
My gratitude for the life that animates all things.
My deep respect to all the inhabitants of our earth vessel.
The primacy of the biological and conscious being that I am, over the legal entity created after my birth.
The legitimacy of my creative power as long as it excludes any form of theft, deception, moral or physical violence.
Absolute responsibility for my thoughts; words and actions engendered by my free will.
I am committed to
Remove fear from my mind so that in love I can take care of myself and all that lives.
Seize my power as a living human being to use it in the service of harmony.
To resort to joyful and peaceful disobedience, when the fundamental rights of living beings are in danger.
Lisieux. Celebration of planet earth, regional culture; dance history, exposition of Bees, art, nature, indigenous resources, regional products and local and global activism.
Keep well, stay cool, and enjoy the beginning of your long lazy summer days.