Full of Grace
Culture Honey is proud to announce a special holiday screening of Full of Grace, coming up this December 7th, a Thursday, from 7 to 10pm in Pasadena, CA.
CultureHoney.com is partnering with Hope Publishing House to bring you an evening focusing on Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the story of her often untold influence on the development of the early church.
Described by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P. and Editor-in-Chief of Magnificat as, “A breathtaking film and celebration of faith. I have not been moved by a film like this since The Passion of the Christ.” This engaging and visually beautiful film will capture your imagination and inspire a deeper reflection on the faith of your heart.
Just in time for the holidays when many people of faith are focusing on the Christmas story, join us in not only viewing this unique perspective on Mary, but participating in a follow-up Q & A session with the producers of the film! Culture Honey believes that people of all faiths or no faith will also enjoy this film. As Laura Aasland points out in her review of the film, “… The depiction of the real struggles that these early followers faced is a more honest picture of a truly Christian life than most films show.”
We invite you to join this intimate group in Pasadena for this very special holiday screening and gathering, which will also include such light holiday fare as mulled wine, hot apple cider and Christmas baked goods.
Space is limited for this special event, so please reserve your space today: